Personalized trainings and support for families of neurodiverse children.

Classes on Parenting Neurodiverse Kids and Kids with Prenatal Exposure to Drugs or Alcohol
Parenting children is both a gift and a challenge. Parenting children who have brain-based differences often has parents feeling like they don't know what to do next! These classes are made to help you understand your child's needs and use their strengths to met their needs. Knowing that all behavior is communication, we work to uncover what your child is telling you and create a sustainable family plan so everyone can thrive. You will finish with a developmental map for your child, a list of appropriate accommodations and responses, and a plan for emotional regulation for both you and your child. You will learn how to make adjustments to your environment and have appropriate expectations that together will compile your map for your family.
This class is for parents of children who have brain-based disorders, are adopted or in foster care, are struggling in school or home life, have varying diagnoses, or difficult behaviors.

Attachment Biobehavioral Catch-Up Parent Coaching
As a certified Attachment Biobehavioral Catch-Up Parent Coach, I work 1:1 with families in their home (or via zoom) to offer this evidenced based treatment plan. Through 10, one hour coaching sessions, I will work alongside you to increase your nurturing and sensitivity to your infant or toddler. Created for children 6months to 4 years old (and older for children who are developmentally delayed) who have experienced early childhood adversity, this modality will increase your child's attachment as well as their impulse control and executive functioning. Ever wonder how to respond to your toddler having a tantrum? How to increase their communication skills? How to help their emotional regulation? This is for you! I became an ABC Parent Coach after going through this treatment myself as a parent and seeing the life-changing difference in both my child and myself. I recommend for ANY child (with or without trauma history), but highly recommend for a child who was adopted, is in foster care, or has experienced early childhood adversity.
Read more about ABC intervention here:

1:1 Zoom Call
Have you tried all you know to do and still, it just isn't working? Are you struggling to know how to respond to your child's school, IEP meeting, or therapist? Do you need help with educating others about your child? Do you need a listening ear to problem solve what your child needs? Are you confused about the diagnoses your child has and how each impact the other? Do you want help understanding why your child behaves how they do? Do you need help navigating family dynamics with children who have different needs? I am here to talk through each of these and more.

Training and Consultation
Currently, 1 in 20 children in the United States has a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and the vast majority are not diagnosed. The number one way to help children with prenatal exposure to drugs and alcohol is educating the adults in their lives. I offer trainings specific to parents, teachers, and clinicians to educate about the damage that alcohol and drugs to do the developing brain and how this plays out over a lifetime.
For organizations, these trainings differ in length from a 2 hour professional development, keynote speaking, a 6 week long course, a full day training, or 1:1 consultations. I work directly with teachers and school administrations to educate about the students in your class and assist with BIP/IEP development. For mental health clinicians, I help formulate and tailor your treatment plan for children with different needs.
For families, I will walk with you from suspicion of an FASD, through diagnosis, resources, and ongoing support.

8 Week Long Parenting Class
Circle of Security Parent Training is for families who want to increase their knowledge of secure attachment and nurturing responses to their child. This is an evidenced based treatment parenting class that lasts 8 weeks and will leave families with more information about their child's emotional needs and parenting responses. It is a great class for parents of children who have attachment needs, challenging behaviors, and give unclear cues in what they want from you.
Read more here:

Families Moving Forward
Families Moving Forward (FMF) is an evidence-based intervention to help families raising children who are affected by prenatal alcohol exposure, with or without a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) diagnosis. The FMF program combines a positive behavior support (PBS) approach with motivational interviewing (MI) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help parents change their own knowledge and attitudes about PAE and FASDs, leading to improvements in their child’s behavior. The treatment can be customized to match the needs of many different families. FMF was tailored for families raising children 3-12 years old.
Read more:
Coming Soon:
Self Paced Webinars:
--"How to Delight In, Connect, and Play with Your "Challenging" Child"
--"What to do when consequences don't work"